State Massage Info
Massage Therapy Continuing Education Requirements by State
Welcome Massage Therapists! Simply click on the link of your state where you’re licensed and it will take you to your state board where you can review your state requirements for continuing education. If you’re from Texas, please visit our Texas Website: to take your classes there.
Although every effort has been made to keep this list up-to-date and current, please know that it is YOUR responsibility as a student and therapist to ensure that your state and/or credentialing board/agency accepts CE from me. You’ll need to verify with your State’s massage therapy board and/or credentialing board/agency to be sure of the continuing education and provider requirements as state rules frequently change. First time renewals and lapsed/expired licenses may have additional requirements. Please notify us of any errors so we can correct.
I am an Approved Provider through NCBTMB. My license number is: 28.
I also hold multiple licenses in Texas, approved by Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation (TDLR).
Licensed Massage Instructor (MI2424)
Continuing Education Provider (CE1384)
Licensed Massage Therapist (MT029757)

I am also approved through CE Broker (50-20346). Our classes are considered “General Hours”.
Please note that it is the student’s responsibility to submit any and all documentation to their respective state boards and/or CE Broker.
CE Course Numbers For Our Classes
Advanced Acupressure & Chinese Medicine: CE Broker #20-557203
Being a Successful Massage Therapist: CE Broker #20-557205
Communicating with Clients: CE Broker #20-581604
Massage for Chronic Pain & Illness: CE Broker #20-581606
Relieving Lower Back Pain: CE Broker #20-581608
Staying Healthy: CE Broker #20-581610
Stress & the Immune System: CE Broker #20-581612
Treating Headaches: CE Broker # 20-598798

Alabama — Please confirm with the Alabama Board regarding their specific rules for continuing education and providers.
CE Requirements: • 16 every two years
Phone: (866) 873-4664
Alaska — See our Alaska page!
Arizona — See our Arizona page!
Arkansas — I am an Approved Provider through NCBTMB; Arkansas accepts NCBTMB Approved Providers as acceptable continuing education.
CE Requirements: • 18 every two years (6 CEUs accepted from online courses)
Phone: (501) 683-1448
California — The state doesn’t require CEUs; please verify approval if your city or organization requires CEUs
Phone: (916) 669-5336
Colorado — See our Colorado page!
Connecticut — See our Connecticut page!
Delaware — See our Delaware page!
Florida — I am an Approved Provider through NCBTMB and CE Broker.
CE Requirements: • 25 every two years (6 CEUs of general • 12 CEUs of live • 2 professional ethics, 2 prevention of medical errors, 1 laws and rule, 1 human trafficking). OUR CLASSES ARE CONSIDERED “GENERAL HOURS. ” Our CE Broker Course numbers are listed at the top of this page.
Phone: (850) 245-4161
Georgia — I am an Approved Provider through NCBTMB and CE Broker.
CE Requirements: • 24 every two years. (12 CEUs are accepted from online courses; please follow their guidelines.) You are responsible for submitting your Certificate to CE Broker. Our CE Broker Course numbers are listed at the top of this page.
Phone: (478) 207-2440
Hawaii— State doesn’t require CEUs; please verify approval if your city or organization requires CEUs
Phone: (808) 586-3000
Illinois — See our Illinois page!
Indiana — Please confirm their specific continuing education and providers rules with the Indiana Board.
CE Requirements: • 24 hours every four years
Phone: 317-234-8800
Iowa — I am an Approved Provider through NCBTMB, although Iowa doesn’t pre-approve providers or classes.
CE Requirements: • 16 every two years (8 CEUs accepted from online courses • 8 CEUs classroom/hands-on)
Phone: (515) 281-6959
Kansas — Kansas is one of only a few states where massage therapy is not regulated on a state level. Please verify approval if your city or organization requires CEUs
Kentucky — See our Kentucky page!
Louisiana — See our Louisiana page!
Maine — The state doesn’t require CEUs; please verify approval if your city or organization requires CEUs
Phone: (207) 624-8626
Maryland — I am an Approved Provider through NCBTMB; Maryland accepts NCBTMB Approved Providers as acceptable continuing education.
CE Requirements: • 24 every two years (17 CEUs of massage-related coursework • 3 CEUs of ethics, • 3 CEUs of communicable disease including HIV/AIDS • 1 CEU diversity or cultural competency)
Phone: (410) 764-4738
Massachusetts — Please confirm their specific continuing education and providers rules with Massachusetts Board.
Phone: (617) 727-3074
Michigan — I am an Approved Provider through NCBTMB; Michigan accepts NCBTMB Approved Providers as acceptable continuing education.
Phone: (517) 335-0918
CE Requirements • 18 every three years (2 CEUs of ethics • 1 CEU of pain and symptom management)
Minnesota — Minnesota is one of only a few states where massage therapy is not regulated on a state level. Please verify approval if your city or organization requires CEUs.
Phone: (651) 201-3731
Mississippi — See our Mississippi page!
Missouri — See our Missouri page!
Montana — I am an Approved Provider through NCBTMB; Montana accepts NCBTMB Approved Providers as acceptable continuing education.
CE Requirements • 12 every two years
Phone: (406) 444-6880
Nebraska — Please confirm their specific continuing education and providers rules with the Nebraska Board.
CE Requirements • 24 every two years (14 hours must be hands-on, 3 hours ethics)
Phone: (402) 471-2117
Nevada — See our Nevada page!
New Hampshire — I am an Approved Provider through NCBTMB; New Hampshire accepts NCBTMB Approved Providers as acceptable continuing education.
CE Requirements • 12 every two years (All 12 CEUs accepted from online courses)
Phone: (603) 271-1452
New Jersey — I am an Approved Provider through NCBTMB; New Jersey accepts NCBTMB Approved Providers as accepting continuing education.
CE Requirements • 20 every 2 years (6 CEUs accepted from online courses • 2 CEUs of ethics).
Phone: (973) 504-6520
New Mexico — I am an Approved Provider through NCBTMB; New Mexico accepts NCBTMB Approved Providers as accepting continuing education.
CE Requirements • 16 every two years (8 CEUs accepted from online courses • 4 CEUs of ethics)
Phone: (505)476-4622
New York — New York has very specific rules about Continuing Education and they do not accept all NCBTMB Approved Providers. Please confirm their specific rules for continuing education and providers with the New York Board.
CE Requirements • 36 every three years
Phone: (518) 474-3817, ext. 150
North Carolina — See our North Carolina page!
North Dakota —I am an Approved Provider through NCBTMB; North Dakota accepts NCBTMB Approved Providers as acceptable continuing education. CE Requirements: • 24 every two years (*Even-numbered licenses that expire 2/28/2022 may take all 24 hours online! Odd-numbered licenses with an expiration date of 2/28/2023 are limited to 10 hours online.)
Phone: 701-712-8624
Ohio — State doesn’t require CEUs; please verify approval if your city or organization requires CEUs
Phone: (614) 466-3934
Oklahoma — I am an Approved Provider through NCBTMB; Oklahoma accepts NCBTMB Approved Providers as acceptable continuing education.
CE Requirements: • 5 every year
Phone: (405) 521-2441
Oregon — I am an Approved Provider through NCBTMB; Oregon accepts NCBTMB Approved Providers as acceptable continuing education.
CE Requirements: • 25 every two years (10 CEUs accepted from online courses, 15 CEUs hands-on, including 4 CEUs of Ethics, Boundaries and/or Communication and CPR). Not all our classes may be accepted; please confirm with your board.
Phone: (503) 373-0701
Pennsylvania — I am an Approved Provider through NCBTMB; Pennsylvania accepts NCBTMB Approved Providers as acceptable continuing education.
CE Requirements: • 24 every two years ( 8 CEUs accepted from online courses, 2 hours of Board-approved continuing education in child abuse recognition and reporting requirements, 4 CEUs of ethics, and CPR).
Phone: (717) 783-7155
Rhode Island — I am an Approved Provider through NCBTMB; Rhode Island accepts NCBTMB Approved Providers as acceptable continuing education.
CE Requirements: • 12 every two years
Phone: (401) 222-5960
South Carolina — I am an Approved CE Provider by the South Carolina DLLR. Provider #38. Please confirm their specific continuing education and providers rules with the South Carolina Board.
CE Requirements: • 12 every two years
Phone: (803) 896-4588
South Dakota — See our South Dakota page!
Tennessee — I am an Approved Provider through NCBTMB; Tennessee accepts NCBTMB Approved Providers as acceptable continuing education.
CE Requirements: • 24 every two years (8 CEUs accepted from online courses, 2 CEUs of law, 2 CEUs of ethics)
Phone: (615) 253-2111
Utah — The state doesn’t require CEUs; please verify approval if your city or organization requires CEUs
Phone: (801) 530-6628
Vermont — Vermont is one of only a few states where massage therapy is not regulated on a state level. Please verify approval if your city or organization requires CEUs
Phone: (802) 828-1134
Virginia — See our Virginia page!
Washington — I am an Approved Provider through NCBTMB; although Washington does not approve providers or courses, it is up to the therapists to determine CE quality and applicability.
CE Requirements: • 24 every two years (All 24 CEUs accepted from online courses through 6/31/2021. After then, 16CEU accepted from online courses, 8 CEUs hands-on)
Phone: (360) 236-4700
West Virginia — I am an Approved Provider for West Virginia and an Approved Provider through NCBTMB; West Virginia accepts NCBTMB Approved Providers as acceptable continuing education.
CE Requirements: • 24 every two years
Phone: (304) 558-1060
Wisconsin — See our Wisconsin page!
Wyoming — Wyoming State doesn’t require CEUs. Please verify approval if your city or organization requires CEUs.
Welcome Massage Therapists! Here you can find information regarding your state requirements, rules and regulations and also my accreditation.